Who are The Two Broads Abroad?
- 2BA are Nahid and Judy. We live in Los Angeles and like to take one big trip a year.
Why the name Two Broads Abroad?
- We were having a stroll in Madrid I said, “How about Two Broads Abroad for our name?” Nahid replied, “I like it?” We tend not to over think things.
What is an underground supper club?
- An underground supper club is a shared dining experience in a non-restaurant setting such as an artist loft or a private home usually at communal tables. The food is usually very good, often with a theme. The people who attend are like-minded: love food, unique experiences and meeting new people.
Why an underground supper club?
- Nahid and I have a grand scheme to live six months out of the year in a foreign country. We thought a good way to meet people and earn a bit of money was to conduct supper clubs in ex-pat communities.
Is going to an underground supper club dangerous?
- No.
Isn’t it weird sitting next to someone you don’t know?
- Most people attend as a couple or group, yet there are many solo diners. The point of a supper club is a shared food experience. Therefore, people are very social and interact.
How did you find out about underground supper clubs?
- Researching online for a television show ideas. It sounded fun so I went with a friend
What was your first supper club experience?
- My first experience was many years back before I met the Nahid at the Ghetto Gourmet. It was held in a very small house in Silverlake and we sat on pillows on the floor. I fell in love with the experience.
Do they sell wine or booze at a supper club?
- Yes and no. In the US one must bring your own wine or beer. In other countries the restrictions vary. For instance at Salt Shaker in Buenos Aries you can get upgrade to a wine pairing with the meal.
Can anyone volunteer their home for a supper club?
- In order to be considered for a 2BA supper club host there needs to be space for minimum of twenty guests either inside or out.
Are there any benefits to hosting a supper club at my house?
- Many. First, people will think you are cool and cutting edge. Second, you and your significant other eat free and get to invite another couple to eat free. Third you get to have an incredible experience that only lasts two hours. If interested drop us a line.